All classes are free for all first-timers, so come on, try a new class! You’ll find answers to the frequently asked questions here.
1. Where can I find more information about Papagaio?
In addition to our webpages, Papagaio has mailing list where we share important news and notifications to all our members. Join the mailing list by sending a message to tiedotus (at)
2. What is the difference between samba and salsa?
They originate from two different music cultures: samba comes from Brazil, while salsa has its roots in Cuba.
3. What kind of shoes should I get for dancing samba?
Trainers for aerobics are more than ok, especially in beginners’ classes. Eventually female dancers will need to acquire lower heel shoes before moving to Brazilian style platform heels. There are a lot of different vendors online but for example Footlight at Fredrikinkatu 25 sells beautiful Capezio dance shoes to suit different tastes. We don’t recommend platform shoes for beginners are it is difficult to learn to move beautifully and gracefully with heavy shoes.